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With the increasing number of urban residents and lots shrinking in size, smaller-sized plants are becoming more well-known than ever. Trees are a vital component of any landscaping. They provide the structure, shade, and habitat for birds and wildlife. Numerous smaller trees deliver these benefits but need to grow in the area where they’re planted.

Although there aren’t any strict and unchanging rules about a small tree, the Arbor Day Foundation defines small trees as ones up to 30 feet in height. Some are naturally small. Some are dwarf species of trees that are larger. Here are the most compact trees you can cultivate.

CAROLINA SILVERBELL (Halesia carolina)

Zones 4- 8. The exposure is a Part shade to full sun
Growth habit: Upright habit
Spread/Height: 30 to 40 feet tall and 20-35 feet across
Springtime = Spring
It is native to the southeastern U.S. this understory tree is named after its natural habitat, and the bell-shaped, nodding white flowers bloom in the Spring. The oval leaves are yellow in autumn, and the reddish-brown bark with furrows creates winter-time interest. It can be planted in the form of a tree or as a multi-stemmed plant.


CHASTE TREE ( Vitex agnus-castus)

Zones: 6-9
Exposure: Full sun
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 4 to 20 feet tall, from 4 to 15 feet broad
Time of bloom: From mid-to-late summer
A chaste tree cultivated as a small tree or shrub is a showy blue-violet flower that spikes. While the time to bloom is brief, it’s a fantastic show. The deciduous foliage is similar to hemp, with large palm-shaped leaves. Flowers and foliage are aromatic. You can use them to create privacy in a small garden or as a border in the form of a mixed border.

WEEPING HIGAN CHERRY (Prunus pendular ‘Pendula Rosea’ )

Zones: 5-8
The exposure: Full sun to partial shade
The habit of growth: Upright weeping habit
Spread/Height: 15 to 20 feet tall and wide
Time of bloom: Early Spring
The rose-pink buds open up to show pale pink blossoms in the early spring months before leaves begin to emerge. Dark green foliage changes to yellow in autumn, and the elegant weeping habit provides structure throughout the year. Make it a stand-alone centrepiece or as part of an Asian-style garden.


Zones: 4-8
Exposure: Full sun
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 10 feet tall and wide
Time of Bloom: Spring
Flowers of snow white appear in abundance in the early Spring, followed by lush green leaves. Many bright red fruits remain throughout the fall, thus providing food to birds and other animals. It can be used as the focal point of an area of a smaller size.

CREATE MYRTLE ( Lagerstroemia indica)

Zones: 6-10
Exposure: Full sun
Growing habit The habit of a vase is characterized by one or more stems
Spread/Height: 10 to 30 feet tall and between 10 and 20 feet wide.
Time of Bloom: From mid-summer until fall
Crape myrtle can be described as a deciduous tree that is attractive all year round, with beautiful flower clusters, vibrant autumn foliage, exfoliating bark, and beautiful structures that give the winter season a dazzling appeal. The colours of the flowers are pink, red, magenta, white, or. Make an accent as a border for a curbside plant or in a mixed border. The dwarf varieties can be used in containers.


FLOWERING DOGWOOD ( Cornus florida)

Zones: 5-9
Exposition: Full sun to part shade
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 15 to 30 feet tall and wide
Time of Bloom: Spring
The flowering dogwood can be described as a trendy tree indigenous to the eastern part of North America, with four-petaled pink or white blooms which bloom in the Spring before the first leaves appear. The bright red fruits develop in the summer months, and the foliage changes to purple in the fall. Plant it as an avenue tree, an individual specimen, or as the woodland border.

KOSA DOGWOOD ( Cornus kousa)

Zones: 5-8
The exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Growth habit: Upright vase-shaped habit
Spread/Height: 15 to 30 feet tall and wide
Time of Bloom: from May until June
This Asian native grows stunning pink, white, or bracts of pale green flowers in the late Spring and the beginning of summer. It also produces the size of a strawberry that grows after flowering. The deciduous foliage is either mixed in green or variegated with the colour of scarlet or violet in fall. It is suitable for formal or Asian-style gardens.

FRINGE TREE (Chionanthus virginicus)

Zones: 3-9
Exposition: Full sun to part shade
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 12 to 20 feet tall and wide
Time of bloom: The end of Spring is the beginning of summer
The species is native to the southeast U.S. this hardy deciduous tree is named after the lovely white flowers that resemble fringes. Female specimens bear black olive-like fruit, which provides food for birds and other wildlife. Lance-shaped green leaves turn into a yellow hue in autumn. Plant as a focal plant as part of a mixed border or in a native landscape.

FRANKLIN TREE (Franklinia alatamaha)

Zones: 5-8
Exposition: Full sun to part shade
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 10 to 20 feet tall, 6- 15 feet wide
The bloom time is The mid to the end of summer
The Franklin tree is a southeast U.S. native that is now extinct in the wild; it is adored for its graceful appearance and white flowers that are fragrant and sweet. The leaves of this deciduous oblong are ablaze with shades of red, purple, and orange in autumn. Please make use of them as a stand-alone plant or as a border.

GOLDEN CHAIN TREE (Laburnum x watereri)

Zones: 5-8
Exposition: Full sun to part shade
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 15 to 30 feet tall and wide
Time of bloom: The end of Spring is the beginning of summer
The Golden Chain Tree is known in honour of the long-hanging bunches of pea-like yellow flowers which appear in late Spring. The wisteria-like flowers are accompanied by bean-like pods which persist through the autumn. Plant as one specimen and train it to be an espalier or in a pergola or arbour.

HARLEQUIN GLORYBOWER (Clerodendrum trichotomum)

Zones: 7-10
Exposition: Full sun to part shade
Growth habit: Upright spreading habit
Spread/Height: 10 to 20 feet tall and wide
The bloom time is from midsummer through early autumn.
This tree, also known as a deciduous shrub, is famous for its multi-seasonal qualities. Flowers of fragrant white flowers in the shape of stars are followed by metallic blue berries surrounded by sparkling red calyces. Also called a peanut butter tree due to its scent after the leaves have been crushed into heart shapes. It is a great street tree or a focal point. It may be invasive in certain zones.

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