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The end of winter is celebrated with a blaze of pink blooms majority of people don’t ever forget the first moment they saw the redbud with its full-on colour.My experience was that a memorable event took place at a nursery near me in the early spring. The morning sun shone on nearly 12 redbuds,with their flowers that were fully unfolded, setting off a fantastic display that included pink sparklers.
While I was back to look at the trees all year,I noticed that their beauty stretches beyond the season of spring as the flowers that are dying transform into hearts-shaped greens to bronze leaves in the summer and brown pods that stay on the tree even after the leaves have fallen.


In conjunction with the redbud’s small size and robust nature, these qualities have resulted in it being among the top sought-after small trees to be used in gardens for homes.


The tiny buds of magenta expand into spectacular pink blooms in spring before the first leaves appear, and the flowers last for a long time, giving a stunning display for up to three weeks.The buds seem to pop up directly from the bark of the twigs and branches and even from the tree’s limbs, embellishing the whole tree with tiny bouquets of flowers.

The redbud’s trunk typically splits near it, giving a fascinating multi-trunk form with elegant arched branches and a round the crown.
Heart-shaped leaves that measure 2 to 6 inches long begin to develop a reddish-coloured hue, turning dark green in summer and later a bright yellow in the fall. These flowers also give birth to bean-like pods that stay on the tree through winter.The redbud can adapt to various conditions on the ground and is an excellent choice for all types of soil and levels of sunlight exposure.


Redbuds of the eastern region ( Cercis canadensis) can be found in all of the eastern U.S and extends all the way to western Oklahoma and Texas as well as north into Canada. The tree isn’t particular about its soil type. However, it is most effective when planted in a moist, well-drained place. Due to their tiny size, they work great as understory trees. They look stunning when planted in groups. Horizontal branching provides visual interest to the landscape and provides an attractive canopy for spring bulbs.


Although most redbuds have lavender-pink flowers, specific cultivars and varieties are white, deep magenta or light pink flowers. The leaf colour can be different and range from deep purple to chartreuse.

“Forest Pansy”

(shown) is among the most sought-after cultivars, featuring deep-blue foliage and rose-coloured flowers. The foliage is burgundy in the shade throughout summer, especially in cooler climates, but it turns green in the hot temperatures of the Southeast.
“Ruby Falls” is an ideal redbud for tiny areas. Its weeping habit, its red-purple flowers and heart-shaped leaves add elegance to your garden.

“Texas White”

blooms an abundance of white flowers.It also has leathery, shiny bright green foliage. Alba is another white-flowered variety with light green leaves.The Rising Sun(TM) provides stunning colour, with new growth beginning in with apricot, then moving on to bright gold before settling down to the bright green.

“Ace of Hearts”

is a small variety that is ideal for small-sized gardens. It is taller than 12 feet and does not require pruning to maintain its shape.

“Silver Cloud”

has beautiful, diverse foliage adorned with pink and white splashes.

“Hearts of Gold”

has brilliant golden-yellow foliage, which gradually shifts to chartreuse throughout the summer.
“Merlot” (a cross between ‘Forest-Pansy’ and ‘Texas white’) has lustrous dark purple leaves and excellent drought and heat tolerance.


The redbud tree can tolerate moderate dry spells. However, they must be watered frequently when planted in full sun. To ensure that the soil stays cooler and evenly moist during summer, spread mulch towards the drip line of branches.
To ensure the beauty of the tree’s structure and health, it is recommended to cut it back as necessary to remove soft forks, overcrowded branches, and dead branches. Pruning is recommended just after the flowering season or at the end of fall when the tree is dormant.

Most redbud diseases are caused by fungal infections like verticillium-wilt, canker, dieback, and leaf spots. The older trees are more susceptible. The early identification and removal of the affected area can be the most efficient treatment method.


The blossoms of redbuds are like pea blossoms because they belong to the same legume family ( Fabaceae). The flowers can also be eaten and provide a refreshing and citrusy flavour to salads. The buds that remain unopened can be preserved and used as an alternative to capers.While redbuds can develop in the shade, they will bloom more blooms when they are exposed to the full sun.

Since the native redbud can be found in various environments, starting a new tree with locally-grown seeds is essential. The trees are more productive and are more tolerant of cold when planted in their native surroundings.

The state of Oklahoma chose Eastern redbuds in 1937. It was named the official tree of Oklahoma and is found across ravines and valleys in the early spring. It paints the landscape with pink.



The annual Honaker,Virginia,Redbud Festival,celebrated since 1981, occurs each year in April.During this time,the city bursts into a spectacular display of pink with thousands of redbud trees signalling the arrival of spring. The festival includes live entertainment, pageants, games, a canoe race, and an auto display.
The Redbud Festival in Columbus, Wisconsin, rejoices in the rebirth of its redbuds in mid-May. The city has special events, including a large-scale parking lot sale, sidewalk sale and the Columbus princess and prince contest.

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